What We Do

We bring young artist’s music to you through YouTube. Virtual music recitals are a bridge connecting you and the world.

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Live Music Performances at Palo Alto Commons and Magical Bridge Playground in Mitchell Park

Archived in Live & In-Person

2022 Christmas Concert (December 2022)

Part 1

Part 2 (at Magical Bridge Playground in Palo Alto)

Jan 23, 2022 - Bridges in Music participated in Bay Area Friendship Circle at the Magical Bridge Playground in Mitchell Park, Palo Alto. - Performances #1 & #2

Why Us - Bridges in Music?


our goal is to connect during difficult times through the power of music


music is our love and we aim to share the passion with you


we understand everyone's feelings towards the natural disaster and want to help


At Bridges in Music, we connect, love, and understand. Our goal is to connect people by sharing the music we love. We understand the individual situations everyone is in and we want to help by bringing everyone together to form a more connected community. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic period, the safest way to connect with others is through the virtual world. Even after the pandemic, many people have limited interaction, and people treated at facilities are still isolated. Our program, Bridges in Music, allows these people and centers to connect with the rest of the world using music as a bridge.

Our program provides virtual recitals for facilities to easily listen to our videos. We also record and perform live at our local park and senior center to deliver the joy of live music. Using YouTube as our platform, videos will be uploaded periodically onto our site and can be uploaded as live streams or viewed at any time. 

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